Who Can Play: Any Lake Panorama National or Panorama West golf course passholders. Must have an established USGA handicap except for former LPN Solheim Cup Captains.
Cost: $110 per Person. This includes a team shirt, Friday night shoot-out, Friday dinner, Saturday Solheim team competition, Saturday shoot-out, Saturday dinner, awards and various prizes/gifts throughout the weekend. If you would like to invite a guest to dinner on Friday and/or Saturday night, there will be an additional $25 charge.
Friday, August 18: 5:30 p.m. Shoot-out - Followed by dinner and Saturdays team announcements.
Saturday, August 19: 10 a.m. Tee Times - Followed by team photos, shoot-out, dinner, awards and 2024 captain announcements.
Entry Deadline: June 30
Drop off registration form to the LPN pro shop or give to one of the Solheim Cup captains (Maggie Armstrong or Kylee Boettcher) by June 30 with payment.